Anuga 2019 the biggest exhibition for FMCG in the world is behind us.

Yet another year we have taken part in the world’s largest food and beverage forum – the Anuga Fair in Cologne, Germany.
We, from Heber EAD, thank all our partners and new friends for being with us. Anuga 2019, which was be held for five consecutive days from 5 to 9 October. Was an amazing opportunity for discovering and exploring new horizons.
This year’s a jubilee, as Anuga Cologne fair celebrated its 100th anniversary. The organizers have managed to make it even more interesting and impressive, as in this edition they managed once more to gather 10 exhibitions in one place (10 Trade Shows in One). Together we were able to discover and explore everything that gives rise to new developments in all sectors – from different types of food, through cold and hot drinks, all the way to equipment and innovative technology.
For us it was a pleasure to be a part of this important event for our industry! It was an honor hosting our guests.